Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Mi Familia

Well. I found yet another computer to load a trial version of Adobe products on. Which means, I can convert my RAW images into JPEGS so I can post again! Cause...what's the point of a post if you don't have any pictures?!

Here are just a few for now...because this computer literally takes 15 minutes to open a picture.


My sister, Hope!

(I'm thinking a little too much brightening on the eyes...) Oops!

The famma lamma.

We were all sitting around the house one Sunday, in pretty much our PJ's, when my dad decided we should take a family picture in the backyard. That being said, please ignore my drowned rat hair.


Emma, sister #2!
More to come. Computer officially driving me insane now!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Job Update!

Hey everyone,

Thought I should probably do a little update. A couple of weeks ago I got a job! Woo hoo! I'm an assistant manager at Tai Pan Trading. Never heard of it? Me neither. Basically it's the mecca for all Utah Mormon moms who love to decorate EVERY square centimeter of their house. And when I say every, I mean every. Down to every last drawer pull.

It's closer to home, the hours are great, and WAY more fun/less stressful! Love it! Thanks for any prayers you sent our way :)

Also--Haven't been updating the blog cuz all my pictures are in RAW format and I haven't figured out a way to change them to JPG now that my Photoshop trial ran out. Oopsies!