Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Sweetest Sound

Due to some complications, I went into the doctor on Thursday to see if the baby was okay. I got my very first ultrasound, where I got to hear the heartbeat! Wow. In all my life, that is the greatest sound I've ever heard. I'm only six weeks along, so I was very surprised to hear it! Unfortunately Eric was at work so he hasn't heard it yet, but he will soon! I felt completely relieved and started tearing up while the ultrasound tech was asking me questions. They also checked my HCG level and saw that it had gone up. So, don't fret! The baby is OK and I haven't had any more problems!

I've realized you can go through pregnancy one of two ways. You can either worry and fear every day that your baby will be okay, or you can give it up to God and trust in the best outcome. I started out doing the first, but on Thursday received some heavenly comfort. Ever since then, I just know our little baby is going to make it through.