Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blgo Break

Multiple times throughout the day I enjoy taking a blog break. Yes, I am a blogstalker.

I've been pretty busy and that's why there aren't too many pics up.

First things first, I just want everyone to know that I didn't get to go on the Nie hike. I am pretty much depressed about this. topic.

Eric had his oral board interview with West Valley. We don't know the results, but they gave him a HUGE background check packet, so we figure that's a good sign. We were filling it out until Eric made a few good mistakes, so we hopped in the car at 11:00pm and went in search of a whiteout tape pen. Rite Aid didn't have it, Walgreeen's didn't have it, so we trekked across Orem to WalMart. Dude, Walmart is insane. You wouldn't think so at 11:15pm, but I swear, the whole town decided it was the prime shopping time. The worst part was the School Supply Shoppers.

I remember shopping for school supplies as a kid. I LOVED it. I loved picking out my pens--that usually took me the longest. And every few years, a new Brenthaven binder. I had a one track mind--having the perfect armada of supplies to impress all of my schoolmates and teachers.

I had not a clue. Not a CLUE how crazy people are when school shopping. It is literally every man for himself out there on the WalMart battlefield. Moms have this crazy look in their eye that I never noticed when I was a kid. You are one poor soul if you have to visit the office supply area for a whiteout tape pen during this craze. I was a little nervous. Howver, after some aggressive searching, exchanging of glares, and a few choice words muttered under my breath, we were in the clear. Yeah yuh!

Out in the parking lot, we saw a lady driving out of her parking spot, but there was a shopping cart in her way. Instead of getting out and moving the cart, or reversing out of the spot, she proceeded to move the cart out of her way with her car, leaving the cart in the middle of parking lot traffic. Pretty much, WalMart attracts only the most sophisticated customers. If you ever need entertainment, just go to WalMart. It's freakin awesome.

Break over.


  1. Hey there Mallory! I just found your blog, I hope everything is going well with you guys...what's your husband waiting to get accepted to, dental school?
    I'm excited that I can now keep track of what you are up

  2. yes i can see eric being a dentist like all mormon men. LOL. You are hilarous! I love your words. I hope i can keep you enterntained as well. so much love THUY

  3. West Valley! Yipes! There's plenty of work for him there. :)
